Ankitha Gadag


Helping individuals and organizations solve complex business challenges to drive results, change and create impact


My Journey - Finding Fulfillment

To me, this meant figuring out my purpose and choosing to live in line with it. To many, this might mean making uncomfortable changes in your life… like quitting a job that isn’t right for you, getting out of a relationship that isn’t serving you, starting a business, or simply standing up for yourself. To me, this meant realizing that God given gifts are meant to be shared, not to be kept in isolation. My purpose was to help people with the talents I possess and by sharing these gifts, create positive impact.


Following your purpose and making changes requires courage. Fear will pop up in different ways for all of us, but perhaps the most common form is the little voice saying: “You aren’t good enough. Who do you think you are? You’re going to look stupid.” This is when you get to choose. Which would you prefer: the fear of never having thrown yourself fully into your one precious life, or the fear that someone might make fun of you or that you might lose some money?


I have heard the saying that people who do brave things often don’t feel brave at all. When you start to build a house, don't envision the grandiose mansion that it will soon become, rather, focus on laying each brick down as perfectly as possible… and before you know it, Voila!


It's not about the destination, it's about the journey



What I realized…


Business is all about helping people solve problems.  If you think about it, there are countless number of problems a business/individual/organization may face. It might be to help improve communications. Perhaps it's about increasing revenues, or keeping more of the profits.  Maybe it is to improve client relationships or to help build a vision that will drive the business for the years to come. What I love about consulting is it's a different challenge every day , there is no formula, recipe or memorization. Each solution needs to be customized to fit the industry, the size and culture of the organization. By combining creativity with problem solving skills and industry experience, I am able to think outside of the box. Helping individuals and organizations solve complex business challenges to drive results, change and create impact is my mantra.